As a long-time O'Meally residents, before their deaths, Mr. & Mrs. Downer made an impact upon their community that still resonates today.


LP and Nez were married in 1947. Together they raised 13 children in addition to adopting a daughter and fostering several children. though they migrated to the UK and Canada through their years, they always returned home. And home is where their commitment to Christ and their dedication to their neighbors shined the most bright.

Though they were raising a large family of their own, their grocery store business, LP's work as a shoemaker and Nez's as a dressmaker afforded them with the opportunity to generously open their home and give to those in need. During 1988's Hurricane Gilbert many of LP and Nez's neighbors lost personal effects and suffered damage to their homes. The destruction that fell upon Jamaica was far-reaching and the basics like food and clothing were in great shortage. The Downers demonstrated their faith in Christ and their love of their community by opening their homes and feeding those who were in need from their own grocery store shelves. When what they had was no longer enough Nez made the treacherous journey to Kingston through washed-out roads to gather food and clothing for the community.

But it was not only in a natural disaster that their generosity shined. Education was always something that they placed great importance on. Because of this, they made it their duty to ensure O'Meally children were not held back because of a lack of uniform, school supplies or even money for the basic necessities. The Downers often provided credit at the grocery store knowing full well it would never be repaid. Instead, they enjoyed the repayment of being richly blessed. LP and Nez were genuine community people, their love of their neighbors led them to countless resources to help in the advancement of the O'Meally community. As a result LP and NEZ have earned a place as well as respected members of the local Church. Even long after their passing, they are still seen as founts of knowledge and teachers of many things.

1 JAN 1919 - 23 MAR 2011


14 AUG 1927 - 23 FEB 2003