For far too long the infrastructure in O'Meally has been neglected. The breakaways in North East St Catherine are a direct result of storm and rain water mismanagement by the National Works Agency. We are working to advocate for the repairs our community so desperately needs.

Take a look at the documentation below to get a sense at how dire the situation has become over the passing years.

Living On The Edge - Breakaway Causing Great Concern For O'Meally Residents
Originally published October 20, 2012 in The Gleaner
For residents of O'Meally district in St Catherine life has been far from a bed of rose[s]. For years, the rustic farming community has been plagued with massive landslides, resulting in graves being dislodged and loss of produce for farmers. . . READ FULL STORY HERE
Gregory Mair, former MP for North East St Catherine speaks out on O'Meally road Crisis
Quote from article originally published January 29, 2011 in The Gleaner
". . . there is a makeshift road to reach Omeally, between Omeally and Lucky Valley, there is a massive breakaway ... so I am telling them (the NWA) to build the road from Harkers Hall to Morris Hall coming up to Omeally right through Bamboo's Ridge into Mount Industry." READ FULL STORY HERE